This guide will describe in detail what each feature and option does in the menu.

ESPS (Extra Sensory Perceptions)

Visuals that give you an unnatural advantage
Glow Puts an outline around the players so you can see them through walls
Name Shows the player’s name under their body
Bomb Shows where the bomb is planted. It also shows how much time remains until detonation and if someone is defusing it
Bones Shows the player’s skeleton
Chams Shows the player in a solid color through a wall
Weapons Shows where there are dropped weapons on the map
Impacts Shows where a bullet has landed on the map
No Flash Disables the flash effect
Distance Shows how far the player is under them
Awareness Shows a red bar on the left, bottom, and right side of the screen when there is an enemy there that can see you
Aim lines Draws a line from the player, to where their bullet will land
Enemy Only Sets the ESP features to only appear on enemies
Smoke Assist Shows a guide for common smoke spots
Grenade Prediction Shows where your grenade will bounce and explode
Head Shows where the player’s head is
Player Box A 2D or 3D box around the player
Health Bar A meter that shows how much health the player has


Recoil Mode Changes the position of the crosshair according to the recoil so that you can see where the bullet will land
Outline Draws a black line around the crosshair
Snipers Only Only draws the crosshair when a sniper rifle is active
Hide When Shooting Disables the crosshair when a shot is fired so you can see the bullets
Hide when zoomed Disables the crosshair when a scope is visible on the screen


Amount The amount the FOV should be changed when right click is pressed


Automatically aim a players
Enemy Only The aimbot will only target players that are not on your team
Visible Only The aimbot will only target players that are not behind a wall
Auto Shoot The aimbot will automatically shoot when any target is available
Auto Switch The aimbot will automatically switch to a new target when the current one is not available
Auto Aim The aimbot will automatically aim at any available target
No Follow The aimbot will deactivate when the crosshair passes over the player
Imperfect Aim The aimbot will intentionally be innacurate

The smoothness of the aimbot’s movement.

Linear Consistent speed
Fast Start Start fast and get slower as it approaches the player
Fast End Start slowly, then increase speed as it approaches the player
Arc Start slow, go fast, then end slow as it approaches the player
Curve Amount The amount of curve (up or down) the aimbot should do when moving towards the player
Aim Speed The amount of speed the aimbot should move towards the player
Field of View The maximum amount of degrees in which the aimbot will activate when searching for a player to target.
Bones The bones in the player’s body that the aimbot should target
Custom Weapons When enabled, the settings for that weapon will override the default aimbot settings listed above

Trigger Bot

Automatically shoot when a player is in your crosshairs
Trigger Key The key that must be held down to activate the trigger bot
Delay The minimum amount of time in milliseconds that the crosshair must be over a player before it will activate the trigger bot. 1000 = 1 second
Enemy Only The trigger bot will only target players who are not on your team
Spray The weapon will continue to fire while the trigger key is held, even if the player is no longer in your crosshair

Recoil Control System

Automatically adjusts your aim so that bullets will land directly in front of you
Visual Recoil Changes how the camera shake will behave when there is recoil
Pistols Enable for pistol weapons
Automatics Enable for automatic weapons
Snipers Enable for sniper weapons
Shotguns Enable for shotgun weapons
Down Only The compensation for recoil will only bring your aim down and not up
Aimbot Exclusive The compensation will only activate when the aimbot is targeting a player
Vertical Compensation The amount of vertical recoil that should be reduced
Horizontal Compensation The amount of horizontal recoil that should be reduced
Randomization The amount of random wiggle the RCS should do while compensating
Minimum Shots The minimum about of shots that need to be fired from your gun before the RCS will activate


Auto Pistol Turn your single fire pistol into an automatic fire weapon


Automatic movement
Bunny Hop When the spacebar is held, you will automatically jump whenever you land
Auto Strafe When holding the spacebar, you will automatically move left and right when your turn left and right
Auto Counter Strafe When you let go of a moment key, but are still moving, you will automatically move against your momentum to stop immediately


Mute Weapon Mutes the sound of your own weapon so you can hear footsteps better
Mute Footsteps Mutes your own footsteps so you can hear enemy footsteps better
Mute Ambient Mutes the ambient noise the game does to distract you
Mute Radio Mutes the radio noise
Hit Bell Makes a ding sound whenever you hit a player with a bullet
Proximity Alert Makes a beeping sound whenever an enemy is near


Panic Key When pressed, all features will be toggled off
Clean OBS Stream When enabled, all 2D visuals including the menu will be wiped from the Open Broadcasting Software recording